Tuesday, April 24, 2007

GAME SEVENTEEN: Feelin' great, feelin' good, how are you?

Sorry it's been awhile; was sick most of last week up 'til yesterday, along with patches of lazy. I'll try to get a bit up to speed, but having neglected my duties, this might take a bit of time. Let's do it in punchy fashion.

A-Rod is a gifted athlete!

The Yankees have lost four straight all the same!

"Four straight" are the magic words!

Manny Ramirez has not one but two children named Manny Jr.!

Taken to the chest, either of the two bombs Cuban Mike Lowell hit on Sunday would have killed Fidel Castro!

Some Yankee fans don't know how to take losing! (See: lil' baby who walked out of Mugs before the game was over, whining.) That makes it more fun to watch them watch their team get swept!

Kei Igawa :: Daisuke Matsuzaka
Buying a buncha lottery tickets :: 401k.

Andy Pettite has been the most effective bullpen pitcher for the New York Yankees!

David Ortiz isn't a very good baserunner!

We lost last night! But Dustin Pedroia hit a two-RBI double! And my new nickname idea is on hold for as long as he shows strong signs of life! That's all I want to say about that game!

The Red Sox held their Jackie Robinson Day a week late due to rain! It was so late, they should have called it Pumpsie Green Day!

I drank too much coffee!

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